Questions to ask the Employer

Asking the right questions during your interview is essential to let the potential employer know how keen you are to learn about the company and the role.

Questions to ask the Employer

Asking the right questions during your interview is essential to let the potential employer know how keen you are to learn about the company and the role.

Are you unsure of what to ask? We have put together a list of potential questions that you could ask during your interview.

  • Ask about promotion but no not over-emphasise the point. Remember most employers are filling a slot and you must convince them that you will do that successfully

  • What is expected of you in your first year – objectives/targets?

  • How will performance be assessed?

  • What is the reason for the vacancy?

  • What is the structure of the organisation?

  • What are the company’s future objectives?

  • Are there any objections to your application? This is a difficult question to ask but if answered fairly, it may give you the opportunity to correct a false impression and will provide you with valuable information for the future interviews

  • What is the salary bracket and benefits structure, make this your last question

Wishing you the best of luck!